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Topics - Yarrix

Necromunda - Hive Secundus / Lancement de la campagne.

La campagne sera lancée le 1er novembre.
Les inscriptions ouvertes jusqu’au 1er octobre.

Pour le moment participent:
- Cpt Flint
- Elcoccinero
- Melkior
- Alexandre,
- Houb3n
- Yarrix

Vous pouvez consulter le guide du joueur a cette adresse:

N’hésitez pas si vous avez des questions.
Listes d'armées / Listes apocalypse
Space Marines
Space Wolves
Stormlance Task Force
Appo2 (6000 Points)


Bjorn the Fell-Handed (180 Points)
    • 1x Heavy flamer
      1x Helfrost cannon
      1x Trueclaw

Chaplain on Bike (75 Points)
    • 1x Absolvor bolt pistol
      1x Crozius arcanum
      1x Twin bolt rifle

Cyberwolf (20 Points)
    • 1x Teeth and claws

Harald Deathwolf (85 Points)
    • 1x Bolt Pistol
      1x Crushing teeth and claws
      1x Glacius

Librarian (65 Points)
    • 1x Bolt pistol
      1x Force weapon
      1x Smite

Librarian in Phobos Armour (70 Points)
    • Warlord
    • 1x Bolt pistol
      1x Force weapon
      1x Smite

Murderfang (170 Points)
    • 1x Heavy flamer
      1x Storm bolter
      1x The Murderclaws

Techmarine (55 Points)
    • 1x Forge bolter
      1x Grav-pistol
      1x Omnissian power axe
      1x Servo-arm

Techmarine (55 Points)
    • 1x Forge bolter
      1x Grav-pistol
      1x Omnissian power axe
      1x Servo-arm

Techmarine (55 Points)
    • 1x Forge bolter
      1x Grav-pistol
      1x Omnissian power axe
      1x Servo-arm

Wolf Guard Battle Leader on Thunderwolf (80 Points)
    • 1x Close combat weapon
      1x Crushing teeth and claws
      1x Storm Shield
      1x Thunder hammer

Wolf Guard Battle Leader on Thunderwolf (80 Points)
    • 1x Close combat weapon
      1x Crushing teeth and claws
      1x Storm Shield
      1x Thunder hammer

Wolf Lord on Thunderwolf (100 Points)
    • 1x Close combat weapon
      1x Crushing teeth and claws
      1x Relic Shield
      1x Thunder hammer


Assault Intercessor Squad (150 Points)
    • 1x Assault Intercessor Sergeant
        • 1x Astartes chainsword
          1x Heavy bolt pistol
    • 9x Assault Intercessor
        • 9x Astartes chainsword
          9x Heavy bolt pistol


Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs (80 Points)
    • 1x Assault Intercessor Sergeant with Jump Pack
        • 1x Plasma pistol
          1x Power fist
    • 4x Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs
        • 4x Astartes chainsword
          3x Heavy bolt pistol
          1x Plasma pistol

Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs (80 Points)
    • 1x Assault Intercessor Sergeant with Jump Pack
        • 1x Plasma pistol
          1x Power fist
    • 4x Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs
        • 4x Astartes chainsword
          3x Heavy bolt pistol
          1x Plasma pistol

Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs (80 Points)
    • 1x Assault Intercessor Sergeant with Jump Pack
        • 1x Plasma pistol
          1x Power fist
    • 4x Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs
        • 4x Astartes chainsword
          3x Heavy bolt pistol
          1x Plasma pistol

Ballistus Dreadnought (140 Points)
    • 1x Armoured feet
      1x Ballistus lascannon
      1x Ballistus missile launcher
      1x Twin storm bolter

Ballistus Dreadnought (140 Points)
    • 1x Armoured feet
      1x Ballistus lascannon
      1x Ballistus missile launcher
      1x Twin storm bolter

Ballistus Dreadnought (140 Points)
    • 1x Armoured feet
      1x Ballistus lascannon
      1x Ballistus missile launcher
      1x Twin storm bolter

Brutalis Dreadnought (160 Points)
    • 1x Brutalis talons
      1x Twin Icarus ironhail heavy stubber
      1x Twin multi-melta

Brutalis Dreadnought (160 Points)
    • 1x Brutalis talons
      1x Twin Icarus ironhail heavy stubber
      1x Twin multi-melta

Fenrisian Wolves (30 Points)
    • 5x Fenrisian Wolf
        • 5x Teeth and claws

Gladiator Lancer (160 Points)
    • 1x Armoured hull
      1x Icarus rocket pod
      1x Ironhail heavy stubber
      1x Lancer laser destroyer
      2x Storm bolter

Gladiator Lancer (160 Points)
    • 1x Armoured hull
      1x Icarus rocket pod
      1x Ironhail heavy stubber
      1x Lancer laser destroyer
      2x Storm bolter

Gladiator Lancer (160 Points)
    • 1x Armoured hull
      1x Icarus rocket pod
      1x Ironhail heavy stubber
      1x Lancer laser destroyer
      2x Storm bolter

Inceptor Squad (260 Points)
    • 1x Inceptor Sergeant
        • 1x Close combat weapon
          1x Plasma exterminators
    • 5x Inceptor
        • 5x Close combat weapon
          5x Plasma exterminators

Infiltrator Squad (100 Points)
    • 1x Infiltrator Sergeant
        • 1x Bolt pistol
          1x Close combat weapon
          1x Marksman bolt carbine
    • 4x Infiltrator
        • 4x Bolt pistol
          4x Close combat weapon
          1x Helix Gauntlet
          1x Infiltrator Comms Array
          4x Marksman bolt carbine

Land Raider Redeemer (285 Points)
    • 1x Armoured tracks
      2x Flamestorm cannon
      1x Hunter-killer missile
      1x Multi-melta
      1x Storm bolter
      1x Twin assault cannon

Outrider Squad (230 Points)
    • 1x Outrider Sergeant
        • 1x Astartes chainsword
          1x Heavy bolt pistol
          1x Twin bolt rifle
    • 5x Outrider
        • 5x Astartes chainsword
          5x Heavy bolt pistol
          5x Twin bolt rifle
    • 1x Invader ATV
        • 1x Bolt pistol
          1x Close combat weapon
          1x Onslaught gatling cannon
          1x Twin bolt rifle

Redemptor Dreadnought (210 Points)
    • 1x Icarus rocket pod
      1x Macro plasma incinerator
      1x Onslaught gatling cannon
      1x Redemptor fist
      1x Twin storm bolter

Redemptor Dreadnought (210 Points)
    • 1x Icarus rocket pod
      1x Macro plasma incinerator
      1x Onslaught gatling cannon
      1x Redemptor fist
      1x Twin storm bolter

Redemptor Dreadnought (210 Points)
    • 1x Icarus rocket pod
      1x Macro plasma incinerator
      1x Onslaught gatling cannon
      1x Redemptor fist
      1x Twin storm bolter

Thunderwolf Cavalry (200 Points)
    • 1x Thunderwolf Cavalry Pack Leader
        • 1x Crushing teeth and claws
          1x Heirloom weapon
          1x Storm Shield
    • 5x Thunderwolf Cavalry
        • 5x Crushing teeth and claws
          5x Heirloom weapon
          5x Storm Shield

Thunderwolf Cavalry (200 Points)
    • 1x Thunderwolf Cavalry Pack Leader
        • 1x Crushing teeth and claws
          1x Heirloom weapon
          1x Storm Shield
    • 5x Thunderwolf Cavalry
        • 5x Crushing teeth and claws
          5x Heirloom weapon
          5x Storm Shield

Wulfen Dreadnought (130 Points)
    • 1x Blizzard Shield
      1x Fenrisian great axe
      1x Heavy flamer

Wulfen Dreadnought (130 Points)
    • 1x Blizzard Shield
      1x Fenrisian great axe
      1x Heavy flamer

Wulfen Dreadnought (130 Points)
    • 1x Blizzard Shield
      1x Fenrisian great axe
      1x Heavy flamer

——— LEGEND ———————>

Relic Contemptor Dreadnought (180 Points)
    • 1x Cyclone missile launcher
      2x Twin volkite culverin
      1x Armoured feets

Relic Contemptor Dreadnought (180 Points)
    • 1x Cyclone missile launcher
      2x Twin volkite culverin
      1x Armoured feets

Relic Contemptor Dreadnought (180 Points)
    • 1x Cyclone missile launcher
      2x Twin volkite culverin
      1x Armoured feets

Leviathan Dreadnought (215 Points)
    • 1x Grav Flux bombard
      1 x Leviathan siege drill
2x Twin volkite calivers
      1x Armoured feets

Sicaran punisher (220 Points)

1x Punisher Rotary Canon
      1 x heavy bolter
2x las Canon
      1x hunter killer missile
1x Storm Bolter
1x Armoured tracks

Mordheim / Scénarios de campagne
Voici quelques propositions de scénario pour la campagne:

- Chasse au monstre:
Les bandes ont entendu des rumeurs qu'un terrible monstre est sorti de sa tanière suite à la chute de la comète. Il a établit son nouveau repaire dans les ruines de la ville. Vous avez entendu des légendes sur les fabuleux trésors que détiennent des telles créatures. Vous avez décidé de voir par vous même si les rumeurs sont vraies.

- Le Prince perdu:
Les compteurs publics racontent souvent les histoires de la ville en ruine et à cause de cela, les enfants des classes privilégiées voient souvent la cité de Mordheim comme le lieu ou vivre des aventures romanesques.
Parfois, l'un d'entre eux quitte son foyer pour rejoindre une bande de mercenaires afin de se faire un nom. Souvent, ces individus sont tués avant même d'arriver à la ville. Mais, une fois de temps en temps ils sont assez chanceux pour y arriver et les familles ne sont pas ravie que leur progéniture suive un tel destin. Un noble ou un riche marchand sera prêt a payer pour éviter l'inévitable à sa progéniture.
Les bandes ont entendu dire que le fils d'un homme puissant avait été aperçu déambuler dans la ville et qu'une coquette récompense était à la clef pour qui saurait le retrouver.

- La Foule en colère:
Dans l'année qui a suivi le la destruction de la ville de Mordheim, l'Empire est devenu un endroit beaucoup plus sombre. Dans ses contrées les plus sauvages, des populations rurales se battent contre les éléments pour tirer leur subsistance du sol.
Les fermiers et les villageois de l'Empire sont une espèce curieuse, d'une certaine manière reculés relativement aux gens sophistiqués de la ville. Les paysans sont brutes, faiblement éduqués mais extrêmement dur à la tâche et n'ont que peu de temps pour les étrangers, en particulier ceux des grandes villes. Leur vie est souvent courte et difficile. En dépit de tout cela, les populations rurales de l'empire sont exceptionnellement brave et ont un incroyable sens de la communauté. Ils sont aussi très suspicieux des étrangers et capable de les traiter avec une hostilité surprenante. Gare à qui osera essayer de les voler !

- La chose dans les bois
Votre bande voyage aux abords de la ville quand soudain vous remarquez que les bois que vous venez de traverser semblaient vous observer. Les ombres sont plus profondes  ici, et des bruits étranges se font entendre. Certains de vos guerriers disent avoir vu quelque chose bouger. Vous avez entendu des rumeurs sur cette partie des forêts de l'Empire qui serait hantée par des esprits maléfiques et des créatures de la nuit...

- Le tueur de Dragons
Dans une sombre caverne aux confins de l'empire sommeille un Dragon. Il rêve et voit le monde tel qui fut 700 ans auparavant. Qui osera prendre le risque de troubler son sommeil pour faire main basse sur ses fabuleux trésors ?

- Les portails facétieux
Une lueur affable émane de la demeure du sorcier toute proche. A leur arrivée les bandes voient une zone plein de portails. Certains disent que les mages ont recours à ce type de structure pour cacher leurs biens les plus précieux. Pour autant aucun de ceux qui s'y sont aventurés ne sont revenus pour confirmer cette information.
Mordheim / Errata Mordheim Empire in flames
Page 17
Change the price of a Horseman’s Hammer to 12 gc.

Page 24, 2nd column
Add a new special rule between Armour Bonus and Bolting Mounts:
“Large Target: All models mounted on a riding creature from this section count as
Large Targets as defined in the shooting rules. Unridden riding creatures are not Large

Page 60, Special Rules
Add the following Special rule:
“Tainted: The Carnival is a similarly unclean mass of mutation and Chaos to the
Possessed and so counts as such for purposes of Exploration and Serious Injuries.”

Page 66, Nurgle’s Rot
Change the fifth sentence to read:
“If the Tainted One makes a successful to Wound roll of a 6 with any of his hand-to-hand
attacks, the target model will contract the Rot (note: Nurgle’s Rot only affects the living,
so Undead, Daemons and Possessed are immune).”

Page 71, Beastman skill tables
The ‘3s’ in the table should be ticks.

Page 71, Maximum Characteristics
Replace the entry with:
“Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Ungor 6 6 6 4 4 3 7 4 7
Centigor 9 7 6 4 5 4 6 4 9
Minotaur 6 6 5 5 5 5 6 5 9
Others* 5 7 6 4 5 4 6 4 9
*This includes all the non-Centigor Heroes and the Gor Henchmen.”

Page 73, Minotaur
Replace the Large special rule with:
“Large Target: Minotaurs are Large Targets as defined in the shooting rules.”

Page 74, Shaggy Hide skill
Replace the existing definition with the following:
“The Beastman’s massively shaggy hide acts as armour, deflecting sword strokes and
protecting him from harm. The model gains a 6+ Armour Save that can be combined with
other armour as normal.”

Page 78, The Thing in the Woods
Replace the Large Beast special rule with:
“Large Target: The Balewolf is a Large Target as defined in the shooting rules.”
Mordheim / Errata Morheim annual 2002
Page 3, Man-Eater
Replace the last sentence with:
“Opponents are +1 to hit the tree in hand-to-hand combat, due to the fact that it is rooted
to the spot. The Tree is a Large Target.”

Page 6, Forbidden Fruit
Add the following to the end of the paragraph:
“The Tree is a Large Target.”

Page 7, Itsy-Bitsy Spider
Add a new special rule:
“Large Target: Gigantic Spiders are Large Targets as defined in the shooting rules.”

Page 9, Orc Equipment Lists
Add a club at 3gc to the list of hand-to-hand combat weapons available to the Orcs.

Page 11, Troll
Add a new special rule:
“Large Target: Trolls are Large Targets as defined in the shooting rules.”

Page 21, Dwarf Warrior Equipment Lists
Add a brace of pistols at 30gc to the list of missile weapons available to the Dwarf

Page 22, Dwarf Engineer
Replace the Expert Weaponsmith special rule with:
“Expert Weaponsmith: A Dwarf Engineer is a master of mechanical devices. By using
stronger construction materials and time-tested secrets of Dwarf engineering, a Dwarf
Engineer can increase the distance the warband’s missile weapons can shoot. Missile
weapons bought from the warband’s basic equipment lists have their range increased by
3” for Pistols and 6” for Crossbows and Handguns. Range increases only apply in battles
in which the Engineer takes part (though they do apply even if he is yet to enter the
battlefield or has already been taken out of action in this battle). He has no effect on the
equipment of Hired Swords.”

Page 25, Nicodemus
Add Witch Hunters to the list of warbands that cannot hire Nicodemus.

Page 34, Great Beasts in Mordheim
Insert a new sentence between the fourth and fifth (after “…a new lair in the ruined
“Even so, all monsters count as Large Targets as defined in the shooting rules.”

Page 66, 2nd column
Add a new special rule between Armour Bonus and Bolting Mounts:
“Large Target: All models mounted on a riding creature from this section count as
Large Targets as defined in the shooting rules. Unridden riding creatures are not Large

Page 81, Trained Bear
Add a new special rule:
“Large Target: Bears are Large Targets as defined in the shooting rules.”
Commentary on Annual Changes
There was little to worry about in the Annual once it’d been brought in line with the new
rulebook. A couple of omissions and a clarification, but generally it was pleasingly clean
of troubles.
Mordheim / erratas livre de base
Page 26, 2nd column
Replace the third paragraph (“A model may charge… past the enemy!”) with the
“If an unengaged (ie, not in hand-to-hand combat) enemy model lies within 2” of the
charge route, that model may choose to intercept the charger if he wishes. This
‘interception area’ is shown in the diagram above. Only one enemy model may attempt to
intercept each charger. If the intercepting warrior would normally require a Fear test to
engage the charger then he must pass one in order to be allowed to intercept. Failure
means he will not move. If the intercepting warrior causes fear then move the models into
contact and then take a Fear test for the original charger (assuming he would normally do
so) as if he was the one being charged. Regardless of the results of this test it is still the
original charger who counts as charging in the subsequent round of combat, not the
intercepting warrior.”

Page 26, 2nd column
Add the following to the end of the last paragraph on the page:
A model that charges will ‘strike first’ in the first round of the ensuing combat.”


Page 29, Closest Target
Add the following sentence as a new paragraph after the first:
“You may always choose to shoot at a Large Target if you can see it, whether it is in
cover or not and even if it is not the closest target.”

Page 30, 1st column
Insert the following new paragraph after the first paragraph and before the diagram:
“If a shot misses its target by 1, and that target claimed the -1 modifier for cover, then the
shot strikes the cover instead. Normally this doesn’t matter, but in the case where a model
is concealed behind another warrior, or when the cover is a powder keg, it might be
extremely important!”

Page 3 Hit Modifiers
Change the definition of -1 Moving and shooting to:
“If your model has moved at all (other than standing up, or turning to face your target)
during this turn.”

Page 31, Hit Modifiers
Change the definition of +1 Large Target to:
“If either the target model has the Large Target special rule (such as an Ogre), or whose
main ‘body’ is over 2” tall or wide (such as most buildings).”


Page 34, Who Strikes First
Replace the paragraph with the following:
“Normally, models fight in order of descending Initiative with the highest striking first. If
their Initiatives are equal, roll a dice to see who fights first. If a model stood up in the
Recovery phase of that turn, then he will strike last irrespective of any other
Sometimes a model will be allowed to ‘strike first’ for some reason. Most commonly this
is because they charged in that turn, but some equipment, skills and spells produce the
same effect. If only one model ‘strikes first’ then it does so and the remainder of the
combatants strike in Initiative order as described above.
If there are several models who are each entitled to ‘strike first’, then they determine the
order of combat between themselves by Initiative, as described above. Once all those that
were eligible to ‘strike first’ have fought, any other combatants fight in Initiative order.”


Page 38, Voluntary Rout
Replace the paragraph with:
“A player may choose to voluntarily Rout at the start of any of his own turns if he wishes,
but only if he was already required to take a Rout test or if a quarter (25%) or more of his
warband are out of action.”

Page 39, Fear
In the paragraph labelled “a)”, replace the last sentence with:
“If it is failed, the model must roll 6s to score hits in that round of combat.”

Page 39, Stupidity
Replace the third paragraph with:
“If the test is failed all is not well. Until the start of his next turn (when it takes a new
Stupidity test) the model will not cast spells or fight in hand-to-hand combat (though his
opponent will still have to roll to hit him as normal).”

Page 39, Stupidity
Add the following paragraph at the end of the Stupidity section:
“Regardless of whether the test is passed or failed, the result applies until the start of the
model’s following turn (when it takes a new Stupidity test).”


Page 42, Spear
Replace the Strike First rule with:
“Strike first: A warrior with a spear strikes first in the first turn of a hand-to-hand

Page 42, Spear
Add a new special rule between “Strike first” and “Cavalry bonus”:
“Unwieldy: A warrior with a spear may only use a shield or a buckler in his other hand.
He may not use a second weapon.”

Page 45, Sling
Add the following sentence to the end of the Fire Twice at Half Range special rule:
“If the model fires twice then each shot is at -1 to hit.”


Page 53, Lucky Charm
Replace the second paragraph with:
“The first time a model with a lucky charm is hit in a battle they roll a D6. On a 4+ the hit
is discarded and no damage is suffered. Owning two or more charms does not confer any
extra benefits, the model may still only try to discard the first hit.”

Page 54, Halfling Cookbook
Replace the brackets at the end of the second paragraph with:
“(note that neither an Undead warband nor a Carnival of Chaos warband can use this

Page 58, Re-Animation
Replace the first sentence with:
“One Zombie that went out of action during the last hand-to-hand combat or Shooting
phase immediately returns to battle.”

Page 60, Silver Arrows of Arha
Replace the first sentence with:
“Unlike other spells, this cannot be cast whilst in hand-to-hand combat. The spell
summons D6+2 arrows which the wizard can use to shoot against one enemy model.”

Page 65, 1st column, 1st paragraph of Weapons and Armour
Replace the first sentence with:
“Each warrior you recruit can be armed with up to two close combat weapons (in
addition to his free dagger), up to two different missile weapons and any armour chosen
from the appropriate list. For these purposes, a brace of pistols counts as a single missile

Page 8 , Steel Whip weapon stat line
Under range, replace “4"” with “Close combat”:

Page 85, Steel Whip weapon stat line
Under special rules, replace “reach” with “whipcrack”:

Page 85, Steel Whip special rules
Replace the reach special rule with:
“Whipcrack: when the wielder charges they gain +1A for that turn. This bonus attack is
added after any other modifications. When the wielder is charged they gain +1A that they
may only use against the charger. This additional attack will ‘strike first’. If the wielder is
simultaneously charged by two or more opponents they will still only receive a total of
+1A. If the wielder is using two whips at the same time then they get +1A for the
additional hand weapon, but only the first whip gets the whipcrack +1A.”

Page 95, Rat Ogre
Replace the Large special rule with:
“Large Target: Rat Ogres are Large Targets as defined in the shooting rules.”

Page 117, Post Battle Sequence
Stages 1-3 remain as they are. Stage 5 is renumbered stage 10. Stage 4 is replaced by the
following new stages:
4 Sell Wyrdstone. This can only be done once per post battle sequence.
5 Check available veterans. Roll to see how much Experience worth of
veterans is available for hire. You don’t have to commit to hiring any at this
6 Make rarity rolls and buy rare items. Make rolls for any rare items you
intend to buy and pay for them. These items go into the warband’s stash.
7 Look for Dramatic Personae. If you want to hire any.
8 Hire new recruits & buy common items. New recruits come equipped with
their free dagger and may be bought common items. This is done in any order
and may be done several times. Note that newly hired recruits cannot buy rare
items. They can, however, be equipped with rare items if there are any in the
warband’s stash in stage 9.
9 Reallocate equipment. Swap equipment between models as desired
(provided they are eligible to use it).
Page 117, Death of a Leader
Replace the last sentence of the second paragraph (“In the case of Undead warbands…”)
“You can buy a Vampire after the next game, at which point the Necromancer will step
down (whether he wants to or not) and lose the Leader skill.”

Page 117, Death of a Leader
Add the following paragraph at the end of this section:
“If the leader of a Sisters of Sigmar, Possessed or Carnival of Chaos warband dies then
their successor will be entitled to learn to use magic in their stead. The new leader may
choose a prayer/spell from the appropriate list, instead of rolling on the Advance table,
the first time they are eligible for an advance. After this they are considered to be a
wizard/use prayers as appropriate for their warband and use the advance table as normal.”

Page 121, Henchmen
In the first paragraph of this section, change the second sentence to read:
“If the dice roll indicates an increase in a characteristic which has already been increased
(or is at its racial maximum), roll again until an unincreased characteristic is rolled.”

Page 121, Characteristic Increase
In the initial paragraph, change the third sentence to read:
“If both are already at their racial maximum, you may increase any other (that is not
already at its racial maximum) by +1 instead.”

Page 121, Characteristic Increase
Replace the existing Ogre maximum characteristics with:
OGRE (Ogre Bodyguard Hired Sword)
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Ogre 6 6 5 5 5 5 6 5 9

Page 121, Characteristic Increase
Add the maximum characteristics for Halflings:
“Halfling (Halfling Scout Hired Sword, et al)
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Halfling 4 5 7 3 3 3 9 4 10

Page 122, Expert Swordsman skill description
Add the following to the end:
“Note that this only applies when they are armed with normal swords or weeping blades,
and not with double-handed swords or any other weapons.”

Page 122, Quick Shot
Replace the description with:
“Quick Shot: The warrior may shoot twice per turn with a bow or crossbow (but not a
crossbow pistol).”

Page 122, Pistolier
Replace the second sentence of the description with:
“If he is equipped with a brace of pistols of any type (including crossbow pistols), he may
fire twice in the Shooting phase (though note that normal reloading rules apply). If he has
a single pistol then he may fire it in the same turn it was reloaded.”

Page 122, Hunter
Replace the second sentence of the description with:
“He may fire each turn with a handgun or Hochland long rifle.”

Page 123, Haggle
Replace the second sentence with:
“He may deduct 2D6 gold crowns from the price of any single item (to a minimum cost
of 1gc) once per post battle sequence.”

Page 123, Pit Fighter
Add the following at the end of the description:
“It’s a good idea to define which bits of your terrain collection count as ‘buildings or
ruins’ at the start of a battle to avoid confusion later.”

Page 123, Lightning Reflexes
Replace the entry with:
“If the warrior is charged he will ‘strike first’ against those that charged that turn. As the
charger(s) will also normally ‘strike first’ (for charging), the order of attack between the
charger(s) and the warrior with this skill will be determined by comparing Initiative

Page 123, Jump Up
Replace the last sentence with:
“The warrior may ignore knocked down results when rolling for injuries, unless he is
knocked down because of a successful save from wearing a helmet or because he has the
No Pain special rule.”

Page 123, Dodge
Replace the last sentence with:
“Note that this roll is taken against missiles as soon as a hit is scored to see whether the
warrior dodges it or not, before rolling to wound, and before any effects from other skills
or equipment (such as lucky charms).”

Page 144, New recruits
Replace the first paragraph of this section (“New warriors… at least one battle”) with:
“New warriors are recruited in the same way as the original warband with the notable
exception of equipment. After the start of a campaign, a new hireling can only buy
Common items from his warband’s equipment chart freely. He may only be given Rare
items from his warband’s equipment chart if the warband can obtain them via the normal trading rules.”


Page 147, Recruiting Hired Swords
In the third paragraph of this section, replace the first two sentences with:
Hired Swords do not count towards the maximum number of warriors or Heroes a
warband may have on its roster and don’t affect your income from selling wyrdstone.
However, Hired Swords do count as part of the warband for purposes of Rout tests, etc
whilst in battle.”


Page 148, Ogre Bodyguard
Replace the Large special rule with:
“Large Target: Ogres are Large Targets as defined in the shooting rules.”

Page 150, Freelancer
Under Equipment, replace the second sentence with:
“If you are using the optional rules for mounted models, a Freelancer rides a warhorse
(and has the Ride Warhorse skill from the Blazing Saddles article).”

Listes d'armées / Liste vs Lucien
+ Joueur : Yarrix
+ Faction principale : Arlequins
+ Points de commandement : 6 -1 -1 = 4
+ Coût total : 1495
+ Total puissance : 64
+ Factions : Arlequins
+ Points de renfort : 5
+ Nombre d'unités / KP : 15
+ Abattez-le : 6
+ Assassinat : 10
+ Abhorrez le sorcier : 6
+ Pas de prisonniers : 60
+ Seigneur de guerre et trait : Coryphée - [Codex] Un Pied dans le Futur

== DETACHEMENT Bataillon : Arlequins (0 PC) [64PC, 1495pts] == Trait d'armée : Saedath Lumière - Eclat Lumineux

QG 1 : Coryphée (75) Neuro disrupteur, Epée énergétique aeldari, Roi Voilé, Relique (-1 PC), Trait de Seigneur (-1 PC), Relique : L'Epée Fabuleuse, Trait : Un Pied dans le Futur [105 pts] [5 PP] - Seigneur de guerre
QG 2 : Prophète de l'Ombre (100) Aragne de Noirceur,  Pouvoir psy : Brume des Rêves, Pouvoir psy : Miroirs Mentaux [120 pts] [6 PP]
QG 3 : Prophète de l'Ombre (100) Pouvoir psy : Eclat de Lumière, Pouvoir psy : Sentiers Crépusculaires [100 pts] [5 PP]

Troupes 1 : 4 (+1) Troupe (52) 2 Neuro disrupteur, Pistolet à fusion, Caresse d'Arlequin, Etreinte d'Arlequin [100 pts] [4 PP]
- Grand Comédien (13), Pistolet à fusion, Baiser d'Arlequin
Troupes 2 : 4 (+1) Troupe (52) 2 Neuro disrupteur, Pistolet à fusion, Caresse d'Arlequin, Etreinte d'Arlequin [100 pts] [4 PP]
- Grand Comédien (13), Pistolet à fusion, Baiser d'Arlequin
Troupes 3 : 4 (+1) Troupe (52) 2 Neuro disrupteur, Pistolet à fusion, Caresse d'Arlequin, Etreinte d'Arlequin [100 pts] [4 PP]
- Grand Comédien (13), Pistolet à fusion, Baiser d'Arlequin
Troupes 4 : 4 (+1) Troupe (52) 2 Neuro disrupteur, Pistolet à fusion, Caresse d'Arlequin, Etreinte d'Arlequin [100 pts] [4 PP]
- Grand Comédien (13), Pistolet à fusion, Baiser d'Arlequin
Troupes 5 : 4 (+1) Troupe (52) 2 Neuro disrupteur, Pistolet à fusion, Caresse d'Arlequin, Etreinte d'Arlequin [100 pts] [4 PP]
- Grand Comédien (13), Pistolet à fusion, Baiser d'Arlequin
Troupes 6 : 4 (+1) Troupe (52) 2 Neuro disrupteur, Pistolet à fusion, Caresse d'Arlequin, Etreinte d'Arlequin [100 pts] [4 PP]
- Grand Comédien (13), Pistolet à fusion, Baiser d'Arlequin

Transport 1 : Tisseur Stellaire (95) [95 pts] [4 PP]
Transport 2 : Tisseur Stellaire (95) [95 pts] [4 PP]
Transport 3 : Tisseur Stellaire (95) [95 pts] [4 PP]
Transport 4 : Tisseur Stellaire (95) [95 pts] [4 PP]
Transport 5 : Tisseur Stellaire (95) [95 pts] [4 PP]
Transport 6 : Tisseur Stellaire (95) [95 pts] [4 PP]
Listes d'armées / 13/02 Yarrix - Black Templars
+ JOUEUR : Yarrix
+ POINTS DE COMMANDEMENT : 12 -1 -1 -2= 8
+ COUT TOTAL : 1996
+ FACTIONS : Black templars
Détachement : Patrouille 1
   [Seigneur de Guerre]
   [BT] Chapelain Grimaldus  : 140 pts
      - Crozius d'artificier, Grenades Frag , Grenades Krak , Pistolet à plasma, Anges de la Mort, Chefs Spirituels [Aura], Détermination Indomptable, Dévot, -Litanies- [Codex] 0.Litanie de la Haine, Rosarius, Servants Décérébrés, -Litanies- [Black Templars] 1.Litanie de Divine Protection, -Litanies- [Black Templars] 2.Psaume d'implacable Persécution, -Trait- [Black Templars] 1.Modèle de Piété
      - 3 Servitor Cénobyte :  Bannière des Croisés Défunts, Sceptre d'Onction, Vestige du Temple Déchu

   Chapelain Primaris à moto  : 125 pts
      - Crozius arcanum, Fusil bolter jumelé, Pistolet bolter Absolvor, Anges de la Mort, Chefs Spirituels [Aura], -Litanies- [Codex] 0.Litanie de la Haine, Rosarius, Turbo-boost, -Litanies- [Codex] 6.Cantique de la Haine [Aura], Trait Supplémentaire (-1 PC), -Trait- [Codex SM] 6.Rites de Guerre [Aura]
      - Imperial Fist et Black Templars :  [Black Templar] Os de Tännhauser

   Escouade d'assaut Intercessor (5) : 95 pts
      - 4 Epée tronçonneuse Astartes, 4 Grenades Frag , 4 Grenades Krak , 4 Pistolet bolter Lourd, Anges de la Mort, Escouades de Combat
      - Sergent Intercessor d'Assaut :  Epée tronçonneuse Astartes, Grenades Frag , Grenades Krak , Pistolet bolter Lourd

   Dreadnought Redemptor  : 195 pts
      - Poing de Redemptor, 2 Bolter Storm, Canon Gatling Onslaught, Macro Incinérateur à Plasma, Nacelle lance-roquettes Icarus, Anges de la Mort, Devoir Eternel, Explosion (6ps - D3 BM)

   Escouade d'Assaut Terminator (10) : 450 pts
      - 9 Marteau Thunder, 9 Bouclier Storm, Balise de Téléportation, [Black Templars] - Porte Relique - Icône de Heinmann, Anges de la Mort, Escouades de Combat, Frappe par Téléportation
      - Sergent Terminator :  Marteau Thunder, Bouclier Storm, [Black Templars] Champion de la Fête (-1 PC)

Détachement : Patrouille 2
   Techmarine Primaris  : 100 pts
      - Hache énergétique de L'Omnimessie, Méchadendrite, Servo-bras, Bolter de la Forge, Grenades Frag , Grenades Krak , Pistolet à gravitons, Anges de la Mort, Bénédiction de l'Omnimessie, Éveiller les Esprits de la Machine
      - 1- Upgrade Maître de la Forge :  Maître de la Forge

   [BT] Escouade Crusader Primaris (11) : 376 pts
      - 11 Epée tronçonneuse Astartes, 11 Grenades Frag , 11 Grenades Krak , 11 Pistolet bolter Lourd, [Black Templars] - Porte Relique - Orbe Sacrée, Anges de la Mort
      - Frère d'Epée Primaris :  Hache énergétique , Grenades Frag , Grenades Krak , Pistolet bolter Lourd
      - 8 Novice Pimaris :  8 Epée tronçonneuse Astartes, 8 Pistolet bolter, Grenades Frag , Grenades Krak

   Dreadnought Redemptor  : 195 pts
      - Poing de Redemptor, 2 Bolter Storm, Canon Gatling Onslaught, Macro Incinérateur à Plasma, Nacelle lance-roquettes Icarus, Anges de la Mort, Devoir Eternel, Explosion (6ps - D3 BM)

   Dreadnought Redemptor  : 195 pts
      - Poing de Redemptor, 2 Bolter Storm, Canon Gatling Onslaught, Macro Incinérateur à Plasma, Nacelle lance-roquettes Icarus, Anges de la Mort, Devoir Eternel, Explosion (6ps - D3 BM)

   Whirlwind  : 125 pts
      - Lanceur Whirlwind Castellan, Anges de la Mort, Explosion (6ps - D3 BM)
Anciens plannings / Dimanche 26 septembre
Voici le tableau des joueurs présents

Attention : C'est également le forum des assos de Levallois ce même jour. Des décors pour une game de max 1000 points seront donc réquisitionnés afin de faire des démos.

Présents au forum des associations :
Maes 10-18h
Girouette 10-18h
Vélémir ?-?
Funky ?-?

JoueurJeu souhaité
Anciens plannings / Dimanche 12 septembre
Voici le tableau des joueurs présents

JoueurJeu souhaité
Saph40k 2k test tournoi
Vect40k 2k test tournoi
Pairing propal:

- Noufnouf vs Yarrix @14h30